Our project leader, Yunus Ugur's article titled "Tarihsel Kaynaklar, Temsil ve Osmanlı Şehirleri: 937/1530 Tarihli Muhasebe-i Vilayet Defterleri’ni Dönemin Benzeri Kaynakları Arasında Konumlandırmak" is published by Dîvân.
The Abstract of the Article
Dîvân 2020/1 69 Tarihsel Kaynaklar, Temsil ve Osmanlı Şehirleri HISTORICAL SOURCES, REPRESENTATION, AND THE OTTOMANCITIES: POSITIONING MUHASEBE-İ VİLAYET DAFTERS(ACCOUNTING BOOKS OF THE PROVINCES) OF 937/1530 AMONG THE SIMILAR SOURCES OF THE PERIOD ABSTRACT This study reveals the need of primary sources that canmake possible Ottoman urban history on the scale of impe - rial geography and examines a series of resources –the Mu - hasebe-i Vilayet daftars (Accounting Books of the Provinces)dated 937/1530. However, rather than analyzing the dataand content of this primary historical source, it discusses theposition of this source among similar sources of the periodand what it represented for the period in terms of scope andcontent. The study focuses on what exactly this exceptionalcollection represented in terms of the sources, geographi - cal scope, and data of the period. The evaluation made hasshown that these sources are representative sources forstudying 10 vilayets, 108 livas, 586 kazas, and 670 city cent - ers of the period in very different geographies of the empire.Thus, this exceptional source, which opens the door to thedefinition, description and classification of Ottoman cities,makes it possible to look at the cities in terms of their social-spatial qualities and to group them on the empire scale ac - cording to their originalities and similarities. The study wassupported by the maps of Ottoman provinces and cities dat - ed the 1530s, which were produced for the first time usinggeographical information systems (GIS), and tables createdby digitizing the data in the sources.
Keywords: Ottoman urban history, cities, historical sources,tahrir registers, maps, GIS